Our features enable you to express yourself and connect with your loved ones


Personalized Digital Replica (Rili):

Experience the groundbreaking feature of creating a personalized digital replica of yourself on the platform. Your Rili will have your voice, your face, and even your memories, providing a completely unique and personalized experience in the realm of social media.


Authentic and Deep Connections

Unlike other platforms, our app focuses on fostering meaningful conversations and genuine relationships, providing a space where users can interact more authentically.


Themed Conversations

We offer a unique experience by allowing users to engage in specific themed conversations. This means they can connect with people who share their interests more directly, creating more focused communities.


Designed for Creators

We've designed a space especially dedicated to creators, providing enhanced tools and features to express their creativity and build an engaged audience.


Global Reach

We leverage technology to enable global connections. Users can interact with people from around the world, significantly expanding their reach and experiences.


Ability to Talk with UGC (User-Generated Content Creators)

We provide the unique ability to have direct conversations with User-Generated Content Creators. This creates a more interactive and personalized experience, allowing users to connect directly with those they admire or share similar interests.


Infinite Memory Capability

Your Rili comes with the extraordinary ability of infinite memory, preserving your digital experiences and interactions seamlessly over time.


Easy Trainingand Configuration

Thanks to the platform's automatic integration with your existing social media content, training and configuring your Rili is a breeze. The platform effortlessly adapts to your preferences, making the setup process incredibly user-friendly.

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This Privacy Policy (“Policy“) governs the processing of personal data of users (“Users“) by Rili Artificial Intelligence, a company domiciled at Drève Richelle 161 Building M, 3rd floor, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium and duly registered with tax identification number BE0831.832.408 (hereinafter “Rili“) through the application programming interface, software, tools, developer services, data, documentation and website www.rili.ai (hereinafter the “Services“).


In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR“) and the Organic Law on Data Protection (hereinafter, “LOPDGDD“), the User isninformed that the Controller of the Processing of his personal data is Rili Artificial Intelligence, a company domiciled at Drève Richelle 161 Building M, 3rd floor, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium and duly registered with tax identification number BE0831. 832.408. In case the User has any questions about the processing of his personal data, he may contact Rili at the following e-mail address admin@rili.ai.


Users are informed that Rili may process their personal data for the following purposes:

<span  class="text-green-bold" >1.</span> <span  class="bold" >Registration. </span> Registration. This purpose allows Rili to carry out all relevant activities necessary to complete the registration procedure for the Services, including authorizing Rili to send electronic communications to the User in order to validate the User’s registration.

<span  class="text-green-bold" >2.</span> <span  class="bold" >Management of the services offered by Rili.</span> This purpose allows Rili to process the personal data of Users to manage any matter related to the Services offered by Rili, including, among others: name, surname, email address, user name and, where appropriate, payment data for managing subscriptions and transactions within the Services, biometric data such as facial image and voice to generate metahumans as part of the Services under registration. These data are converted into mathematical vectors that, when generated, prevent the original personal data from being retrievable, being only accessible to the system that generated it.

Finally, this purpose also allows Rili to carry out statistical studies with Users’ information in order to improve its service and/or design new functionalities for the Services.

<span  class="text-green-bold" >3.</span> <span  class="bold" >Monitor the User’s interaction with the Services through the installation of cookies in your browser. </span> Through this purpose, Rili may install different types of cookies on the User’s device/browser provided that the User has expressly consented to their installation.

<span  class="text-green-bold" >4.</span> <span  class="bold" >Sending commercial communications (discounts, promotions and special offers) on Rili products and services that may be of interest to the User and that are linked to the services provided.  </span> This purpose allows Rili to send electronic commercial communications relating to those Rili products and services that are similar to the services contracted by the User, including, but not limited to, special offers and discounts applicable to the services.

<span  class="text-green-bold" >5.</span> <span  class="bold" >To manage and resolve queries and other requests from Users relating to the Services.  </span> This purpose allows Rili to process Users’ personal data in order to resolve any incident (regardless of its nature) that Users may have during the use of Rili services (notifying defects or system failures, claiming refunds, etc.).

<span  class="text-green-bold" >6.</span> <span  class="bold" >Elaboration of User profiles, for the purpose of analysing the interests and behaviour of the User, using the content viewed, their way of interacting with the Services and the elements and technical data used in them, such as the browser used, the computer system used and information on the hours of use of the Services </span> .

For the elaboration of such profiles, automated decisions will be taken in order to provide a value proposition more tailored to the interests of the interested party. Automated decisions means decisions made solely on the basis of automated processing of the user’s personal data. This means processing using, for example, software code or an algorithm, which does not require human intervention. Automated decision is used to develop a profile about the user in order to customize a metahuman capable of getting to know the user, recalling important information about the user, and provide interactive feedback and conversations.

The above information is processed by means of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence tool, ChatGPT, which consists in a natural language processing model that leverages context understanding and logic that ponders the probability and suitability of certain words or phrases based on context and user input. Rili understands that this profiling does not produce legal effects concerning the user.

<span  class="bold" >Consent [Article 6(1)(a) GDPR]. </span>  The User will be deemed to have given consent when he/she checks the consent box appearing on the registration form, accepting Rili’s Terms and Conditions and this Policy.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the User is a party [Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR]. The processing of your personal data for the purposes contained in the first paragraph of the left column is necessary to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of use previously accepted by the User. The User is responsible for obtaining all necessary consents and providing the information required to enable the use and receipt of the Services by the User and the access, storage and processing by Rili of the data provided by the User. Likewise, any use of the Services must occur with the utmost respect for the rights to honor, privacy or image of individuals, and with the consent or authorization of their owners or rightful claimants. Finally, with regard to the performance of analytical/statistical studies, Rili understands that this purpose (management and provision of the Services) is compatible with the main purpose for which the User’s personal data is processed.

<span  class="bold" >Consent [Article 6(1)(a) GDPR]. </span> Consent shall be understood to have been granted by the User when he/she accepts the cookie notice displayed when accessing the Services. Some of the cookies installed are strictly necessary for the operation of the Services. In this sense, these cookies do not require the User’s consent.

<span  class="bold" >Consent [Article 6(1)(a) GDPR]. </span> The User will be deemed to have given consent when he/she checks the consent box appearing on the registration form, accepting Rili’s Terms and Conditions and this Policy.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the User is a party [Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR]. The processing of your personal data for the purposes contained in the first paragraph of the left column is necessary to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of use previously accepted by the User. The User is responsible for obtaining all necessary consents and providing the information required to enable the use and receipt of the Services by the User and the access, storage and processing by Rili of the data provided by the User. Likewise, any use of the Services must occur with the utmost respect for the rights to honor, privacy or image of individuals, and with the consent or authorization of their owners or rightful claimants. Finally, with regard to the performance of analytical/statistical studies, Rili understands that this purpose (management and provision of the Services) is compatible with the main purpose for which the User’s personal data is processed.

<span  class="bold" >Consent [Article 6(1)(a) GDPR]. </span> Consent shall be understood to have been granted by the User when he/she accepts the cookie notice displayed when accessing the Services. Some of the cookies installed are strictly necessary for the operation of the Services. In this sense, these cookies do not require the User’s consent.

Legitimate interest in the processing [Article 6(1)(f) GDPR]. The User’s data may be processed on the basis of Rili’s legitimate interests in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of the Services.

Rili may process the User’s personal data for the duration of his or her status as a registered User of the Services and/or until he or she requests the cancellation or deletion of his or her Personal Data. Thereafter, Rili may keep the User’s personal data duy blocked for a period of 5 years.

Rili may process the User’s personal data for this purpose for as long as the User remains a registered User of the Services and/or until the User requests the cancellation or deletion of his or her Personal Data. Thereafter, Rili may keep the User’s personal data duly blocked for a period of 5 years. With regard to the use of Users’ personal data for statistical analysis, all personal data will be duly anonymized, making it impossible to identify Users and ensuring that the anonymization process is not reversible. Once the data has been anonymized, Rili will be able to process the statistical and irreversible information indefinitely.

The data will be retained for  the period of validity of the accepted cookie. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User may block, delete or disable cookies at any time. For more information on the cookies we install, their specific retention periods and how to uninstall, block or delete cookies, please visit our Rili.ai

Rili may process personal data indefinitely until the User unsubscribes/opposes the processing of his/her personal data for this purpose. The User may unsubscribe/opt out of the processing of his/her personal data for the purpose described herein through the unsubscribe procedure provided for in each communication he/she receives.

Rili may process the User’s personal data until the settlement or resolution of the corresponding incident and/or query. Thereafter, Rili may keep the User’s personal data duly blocked for a period of 5 years.

Rili may process personal data indefinitely until the User unsubscribes/opposes the processing of his/her personal data for this purpose. You have the right to object to our use of the profiling described in this section. You may do so in accordance with the method described in section 6 of this policy.

In accordance with the RGPD, Rili will process the User’s personal data for the purposes indicated above. Once these purposes are no longer necessary or have ended, Rili will keep the User’s personal data duly blocked for the retention periods also shown above. The blocking of personal data means that Rili will only be able to process the User’s personal data collected for any of the above purposes in order to meet any liabilities that may arise in connection with such purposes. Rili guarantees the deletion of the User’s personal data once the above-mentioned retention periods have expired.

Users are also informed of their right to revoke any consent given for the processing of their personal data. To properly exercise this right, please refer to the “Rights of the data subject” section of this Privacy.


Rili has adopted the security levels of protection of personal data legally required by current legislation and has installed appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to ensure the security of personal data of Users. Thus, Rili’s security measures have been designed to protect Users’ personal data against destruction, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and/or theft. Rili has designed its security measures based on criteria such as the scope, context, purposes of the processing, the current state of the art and the risks involved in a given processing activity.

Users are also informed of their right to revoke any consent given for the processing of their personal data. To properly exercise this right, please refer to the “Rights of the data subject” section of this Privacy Policy.


Personal data may be transferred to the following third party recipients:

  • Subsidiaries and affiliates of Rili. Manage the use of the Services in the different territories in which Rili is present.
  • Third-party cookie providers. You can consult the complete list of cookie providers and the cookies used for the collection of your data to which the providers will have access in our Rili.ai.
  • Banking entities, to validate transactions and payment for the use of Rili services.
  • To entities and bodies of the competent public administration, including local governments or municipalities, if Rili is legally obliged to provide them with the User’s personal data.

Also, some entities subcontracted by Rili may have access to the User’s personal data and information as Processors of Rili. These entities will process Users’ personal data on behalf of Rili and, in any case, in accordance with Rili’s instructions and in strict compliance with the RGPD. In particular, the OpenAI entity will provide Rili with STT, image generation and conversational chat services, the De-Identification Ltd. entity will provide Rili with lip sync, voice cloning and TTS services, and the Google Cloud entity will provide Rili with STT, TTS and storage services. OpenAI’s privacy policy is available at the following link, while De-Identification Ltd.’s privacy policy is available at this link and Google Cloud’s privacy policy is available at the following link.


As mentioned above, in order for Rili to provide the Services, Users’ personal data will be communicated to entities subcontracted by Rili, some of which may be located in third countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
In this regard, and in accordance with the RGPD, Rili will only communicate Users’ personal data to those entities that are able to provide adequate guarantees or that are located in an appropriate territory duly recognized by the European Commission.


The User may exercise any of the following rights before Rili. To exercise such rights, the User must send a request to the following e-mail address: admin@rili.ai. If the request does not meet the necessary requirements, Users are informed that Rili may request its modification.

Right of access
Consult which of the User’s personal data is being processed by Rili.
Right of rectification
Modify the personal data being processed by Rili when such data is inaccurate.
Right of opposition
Ask Rili not to process Users’ personal data for certain specific purposes.
Right of erasure
Ask Rili to delete Users’ personal data.
Right to restriction of processing
Ask Rili to limit the processing of Users’ personal data.
Right to data portability
Request Rili to provide Users with their information in a computer-readable format.

Additionally, if the User considers that Rili has not adequately addressed his or her request for rights, he or she may file a complaint against Rili before the competent Control Authority (Autorité de protection des données).


The Services are not intended for users under the age of 18. No one under the age of 18 may provide any information to Rili through the Services. Rili does not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 18. If a potential User is under the age of 18, you must not use or provide any personal data through the Services or through any of its features, or provide any information about yourself to Rili, including your name, address, telephone number, email address or any screen name or user name you may use.

If Rili discovers that personal data has been collected or received from a prospective User under the age of 18 without verification of parental consent, such information will be deleted. If the User believes that Rili may have information from or about a child under the age of 18, the User should contact Rili at admin@rili.ai. so that the case can be examined further.


It is Rili’s policy to post any changes to this Policy. If material changes are made to the way in which Users’ personal data is processed, Rili will notify Users by e-mail to the e-mail address that the registered User has specified in his or her account. The date of the last revision of this Policy is identified at the top of the page. Registered Users are responsible for ensuring that their e-mail addresses are appropriately updated so that Rili can notify them of any changes to this Policy.If Rili discovers that personal data has been collected or received from a prospective User under the age of 18 without verification of parental consent, such information will be deleted. If the User believes that Rili may have information from or about a child under the age of 18, the User should contact Rili at admin@rili.ai. so that the case can be examined further.

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1. Purpose and information about the owner

The present Terms and Conditions are intended to comply with the duty of information on the holder, and to establish the rules of use and operation of the application programming interface, software, tools, developer services, data, documentation and website https://rili.ai/ (hereinafter the "Services"), whose holder is Rili Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter "Rili"), with tax identification number BE0831.832.408 and registered office at Drève Richelle 161 Building M, 3rd floor, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium.

Rili is a limited liability company registered with Annexes du Moniteur Belge on December 15, 2020 under number 0361241. Rili can be contacted through:

- E-mail: admin@rili.ai
- Postal address: Drève Richelle 161 Building M, 3rd floor, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium.

These Terms and Conditions of Services are entered into by Rili and the entity or person accepting them (the "User") and govern the User's access to and use of the Services.

2. Use of the Services

The use of the Services implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions, so the User must be aware of the importance of reading them every time you access the Services. The fact of accessing the Services implies knowledge and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, so Rili recommends reading them carefully each time you access the Services.

The Services are not intended for users under the age of 18. No one under the age of 18 may provide any information to Rili through the Services. Rili does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18.

You agree not to use the Services in a manner that is unlawful, injurious to the rights or interests of others, or in any manner that violates these Terms and Conditions. Likewise, the User guarantees not to carry out actions that may damage the Services, or impede their continuity and correct operation.

Only those websites that appear within the URL: https://rili.ai/ are included within the Services.

3.- Liability and warranties

Rili does not guarantee:

<span  class="text-green" >(i)</span> The infallibility, availability, continuity, lack of deficiencies and security of the Services;

<span  class="text-green" >(ii)</span> That the content of the Services or the information that passes through them is free of viruses or other harmful elements, as well as errors, omissions or inaccuracies; and

<span  class="text-green" >(iii)</span> The privacy and security of the User's use of the Services. Accordingly, the User assumes all risks that may arise from the use of the Services.

Although Rili provides and maintains the Services with reasonable care, the accuracy and completeness of the functionality and data of the Services cannot be guaranteed.

The Services are provided "as is" and subject to availability. The User acknowledges that complex software is never completely free of defects, errors and bugs; Rili only warrants the quality, functionality and availability of the Services if and to the extent it explicitly states so in writing.

Rili makes no representations or warranties that the Services will operate at all times without error or interruption or that the data and functionality of the Services will be available at all times. Nor does Rili make any representation or warranty that any content or software that may be accessed through the Services will be error-free.

In no event shall Rili be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any kind arising out of access to or use of the Services. Rili shall not be liable for any damages that may be caused to Users by improper use of these Services. In particular, Rili shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any telecommunications failures, interruptions, faults or defects that may occur.

Subject to any restrictions imposed by applicable law, in no event shall Rili be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information or any other pecuniary loss). In any event, Rili's total liability under any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be limited to the amount received in consideration by Rili for the Services under these Terms and Conditions.

You agree to defend Rili from and against any claim or action arising out of or relating to your possession, use, development or modification of the Services, including your User Generated Content ("<span  class="text-green-bold" >Claim</span>") and shall fully indemnify and hold Rili harmless from and against any losses, damages, costs (including all legal fees) and expenses as a result of or in connection with any Claim.

4.- Payment

The User may access a basic version of the Services free of charge.  The free version is limited mainly in terms of usability and customization and other limitations.

The User may purchase a subscription for full access to the Services, the price and functionalities of which are configured at Rili's discretion. To initiate a subscription you must enter a valid Paypal address or credit/debit card.

At the end of the subscription period, the User's subscription will automatically renew with the same payment terms and duration. The User may update his/her subscription at any time through the control panel functions of his/her account. When the User upgrades his subscription, he will be billed at the price of his new subscription level.

The User may cancel their subscription at any time, the cancellation will take effect at the end of their current billing cycle. No refunds will be given for any portion of the current billing cycle paid after unsubscription or cancellation.

All fees exclude all taxes, levies or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and User shall be responsible for payment of all such taxes, levies or duties.

If the User believes that Rili has billed the User erroneously, the User must contact Rili within 90 days of such charge. Any charges more than 90 days old will not be refunded.

If the User pays by debit card and his/her payment results in an overdraft or other fee from his/her bank, the User shall be solely responsible for such fee.

5.- Information contained in the Services

The information appearing on the Services is current as of the date of its last update. Rili reserves the right to update, modify or delete the Terms and Conditions without prior notice to the User, so the User should review them periodically.

Also, Rili reserves the right to make, at any time, as many changes and modifications it deems appropriate, and may make use of such power at any time and without notice.

6.- Information provided by the User through the Services

<span  class="text-green" > 6.1- </span> Accuracy, truthfulness and legitimacy of information

In the event that the User chooses to provide information to Rili through the Services, the User warrants that the User will provide current, accurate and truthful information.

If the User provides information to Rili on behalf of a third party, the User warrants that the User has the prior written consent of such third party.

You warrant that the information you provide to Rili complies with all of the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

You must be 18 years of age or older and able to comply with the Terms and Conditions to use the Services. If you are using the Services on behalf of another person or entity, you must have authority to accept the Terms and Conditions on their behalf.

<span  class="text-green" > 6.2- </span> User Profiles

Where applicable, when registering for the Services the User will select a username and password. Both the username and password are strictly confidential, personal and non-transferable.

The User undertakes not to disclose the data relating to his account or make them accessible to third parties. The User shall be solely responsible in case of use of such data by third parties.

Rili cannot guarantee the identity of registered Users, and therefore shall not be liable for the use of a registered User's identity by unregistered third parties. Users are obliged to immediately notify Rili of the theft, disclosure or loss of username or password by communicating it to the e-mail address listed in Clause 1 of these Terms and Conditions.

In order to complete the registration in the Services, the User must provide some information such as: Username, email address, etc., once the registration is completed, every User will be able to access his/her profile and complete and edit it and/or unsubscribe as he/she deems appropriate. If the User cancels his or her account or Rili cancels his or her account as set forth below, all of his or her data will be immediately deleted from the Services. This information cannot be retrieved once the User's account is terminated.

Rili reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. Rili, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to suspend or terminate the User's account and/or refuse any and all current or future use of the Services for any reason at any time. Without limiting other remedies, Rili may issue warnings, temporarily or indefinitely suspend the Services, or terminate your account and/or refuse to provide the Services.

7.- Content

Rili makes every effort to avoid any errors in the content of the Services. However, Rili shall not be liable for any consequences that may arise from errors (actual or potential) in the content that may appear in the Services.

Neither shall Rili be liable in any way for any content, commercial activities, products and services included that may be displayed through electronic links, if any, and when any, directly or indirectly, through these Services.

Rili reserves the right to prevent or prohibit access to the Services to any User who introduces in these Services any unlawful content that violates the rights or interests of third parties or that is contrary to these Terms and Conditions. Rili in turn reserves the right to exercise the legal measures it deems appropriate to prevent such conduct.

8. Links to pages owned by third parties

The presence of links to pages owned by third parties in the Rili Services, unless expressly stated otherwise, is for information purposes only and in no case implies a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them. These links do not represent any type of relationship between Rili and the companies or individuals who own the websites that can be accessed through these links.

Rili reserves the right to remove at any time and without notice any links that may appear on its Services.

9.- Security of the Services

The Services have been designed to support the following browsers: Safari, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Rili is not responsible for any damages, of any kind, that may be caused to Users by the use of other browsers or different, outdated or previous versions of the aforementioned browsers for which the Services have been designed.

10.- Intellectual Property, Content and Restrictions

<span  class="text-green" > 10.1- </span> Intellectual Property

The distinctive signs, designs, texts, images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, sound clips and other content found in the Services and any other intellectual creations and/or inventions or scientific and technical discoveries, whatever their business or industrial application (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "<span  class="text-green-bold" >Content</span>" are owned by Rili or third parties.

The User may not use the Content without the express written consent of Rili or its lawful owner, obtaining only an authorization to view the Content by browsing the Services.

Users who access the Services may view the information contained therein and make downloads or private reproductions on their computer system, provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or a local network.

Without prejudice to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available or any other form of exploitation of the Content is not permitted without the prior written authorization of Rili or its legitimate owner.

In the event that any User or third party considers that any of the existing Content in the Services involves an infringement of the rights of intellectual property protection or is in any way unlawful, harmful to rights or interests of third parties or contrary to public order or morality, you must notify Rili through any of the addresses indicated in paragraph 1 of these Terms and Conditions.

<span  class="text-green" > 10.2- </span> User Generated Content

The Services may contain interactive features that allow Users to submit, post, display or transmit to other users or other persons content or materials (collectively, "User Generated Content") generated by or through the Services.

All User Generated Content must comply with the Rili Content Policy set forth in these Terms and Conditions. All User Generated Content posted on the Services shall be deemed to be non-confidential.

By generating User Generated Content on the Services subject to Intellectual Property Rights, you grant to Rili and, if applicable, its affiliates and service providers, and each of their respective licensees, successors and assigns, the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose whatsoever.

The foregoing assignment of the User Generated Content and its Intellectual Property Rights occurs on a worldwide basis and for the entire period of protection, i.e., until it enters the public domain, and in all forms of exploitation of all Intellectual Property Rights.

The User may consult the information relating to the processing of personal data affected by the User Generated Content at Privacy Policy.

For the purposes of this clause, Intellectual Property Rights means: patents, utility models, rights in inventions, copyright and (related and related) rights, all other rights in the nature of copyright, trademarks, trade names and domain names, goodwill, design rights, database rights, and all other intellectual property rights, in each case registered or unregistered, including all applications and rights of application and grant, renewals or extensions and rights to claim priority of such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection now or hereafter subsisting or to subsist anywhere in the world (in any form or medium).

<span  class="text-green" > 10.3- </span> Rili's Content Policy

In its use of the Services, the User must adhere - and undertake to ensure that third parties do so under its responsibility - to Rili's Content Policy. In addition to the above, the User guarantees to know and respect the content policies of OpenAI,  D-ID y Google Cloud in their use of the Services, which are included in Rili's Content Policy:

<span  class="text-green" >i.</span> Engaging in, promoting or encouraging illegal activities, including child sexual exploitation, child abuse or terrorism or violence that may cause death, serious harm or injury to persons or groups of persons is prohibited;

<span  class="text-green" >ii.</span> It is prohibited to use the Services for any illegal, invasive, infringing, defamatory or fraudulent purpose, including non-consensual explicit images, infringement of third-party intellectual property rights or trade secrets, phishing or the creation of pyramid schemes. In particular, it is prohibited to create, upload or share images or User Generated Content that are unsuitable for minors or that may cause harm:

  1. <span  class="text-green" >a.</span> Hate: hate symbols, negative stereotypes, comparison of certain groups to animals or objects, or any other form of identity-based hate speech or advocacy, such as using it to discriminate against individuals or groups based on their social behavior or known or anticipated personal or personality characteristics.
  2. <span  class="text-green" >b.</span> Harassment: taunting, threatening or intimidating a person.
  3. <span  class="text-green" >c.</span> Violence: violent acts and the suffering or humiliation of others.
  4. <span  class="text-green" >d.</span> Self-harm: suicide, cutting, eating disorders, and other attempts to harm oneself.
  5. <span  class="text-green" >e.</span> Sexual: nudity, sexual acts, sexual services or content intended to arouse sexual arousal.
  6. <span  class="text-green" >f.</span> Immoral: bodily fluids, obscene gestures, or other profane subjects that may shock or disgust.
  7. <span  class="text-green" >g.</span> Illegal activity: drug use, theft, illegal gambling, weapons trafficking, vandalism, and other illegal activities.
  8. <span  class="text-green" >h.</span> Constitutes unauthorized commercial communication or generates or disseminates information for the purpose of use in the administration of justice, law enforcement, or immigration or asylum proceedings. It is prohibited to use the Services to promote products or services, particularly in cases where the Services are used to disclose statements that are known or should be known to be misleading, including falsely implying that the User Generated Content was involved in the personal use of a product or service, disclosing misleading product matching testimonials and linking attributes of the User Generated Content with the efficacy of products or services.
  9. <span  class="text-green" >i.</span> Is used for fully automated decision making that adversely affects an individual's legal rights or otherwise creates or modifies a binding and enforceable obligation.
  10. <span  class="text-green" >j.</span> False postings: conspiracies or false information related to ongoing geopolitical events, unfair or misleading under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction. In particular, impersonating another person or entity, using your image to create false postings or misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity when using the Services is prohibited.
  11. <span  class="text-green" >k.</span> Political: politicians, ballot boxes, protests or other content that may be used to influence the political process or campaign, including malicious or unauthorized dissemination of Used Generated Content concerning the candidates involved.
  12. <span  class="text-green" >l.</span> Public and personal health: the treatment, prevention, diagnosis or transmission of diseases, or persons suffering from health conditions.
  13. <span  class="text-green" >m.</span> Respect the rights of others: it is prohibited to upload images of people without their consent, images for which you do not have the corresponding rights of use, or to create images or User Generated Content of public figures. Any use of the Services must occur with the utmost respect for the rights to honor, privacy or image of persons, and with the consent or authorization of their owners or beneficiaries.  

<span  class="text-green" >iii.</span> It is forbidden to use the Services to distribute viruses, worms, Trojan horses, corrupted files, hoaxes or other elements of a destructive or misleading nature;

<span  class="text-green" >iv.</span> It is prohibited to gain unauthorized access to, disrupt or impair the use of the Services, or the equipment used to operate the Services, by customers, resellers or other authorized users;

<span  class="text-green" >v.</span> You are prohibited from disabling, interfering with or circumventing any aspect of the Services, software or equipment used to provide the Services;

<span  class="text-green" >vi.</span> You are prohibited from generating, distributing, posting or facilitating unsolicited bulk email, promotions, advertisements or other solicitations ("<span  class="text-green-bold" >spam</span>").

When sharing your User Generated Content, you must proactively disclose the AI involvement in your content, without misleading third parties about the nature of the content: for example, you may not claim that the work was entirely human-generated or that it is an unaltered photograph of an actual event.

The User understands that all content that he/she enters, posts, posts, transmits, transmits or uploads to the Services is done at his/her sole responsibility. This means that you, and not Rili, are solely responsible for all data you enter, upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services.

Rili maintains a zero-tolerance policy against objectionable content, abuse, or abusive users. Rili reserves the right to withdraw, deny or suspend access to the Services without prior notice to Users who fail to comply with its Content Policy and/or these Terms and Conditions.

11.- Data Protection

The User can consult the Privacy Policy and the privacy notices of the Services to know what kind of information is collected and the measures to protect their personal data.

12. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Belgian law. Both Rili and the users of the Services agree that any dispute that may arise as to the interpretation, performance or enforcement of these Terms and Conditions shall expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the competent Judges and Courts of the city of Brussels, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, in the event that the User is a consumer with habitual residence in a member state of the European Union, the laws of that country shall apply to any dispute or litigation. Such User may also settle the claim before any competent court of the country having jurisdiction.

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